Emergency Care

Emergency Care Information From Your Local Nashua Orthodontists

Dr. James Metcalf and Dr. Alana Bednarz understand that orthodontics are an extremely efficient and effective way to attain a healthy, beautiful smile, but sometimes issues can arise. From time to time, there might be soreness, wire irritation, or something comes loose. If your orthodontic appliances are not behaving as they should, you may need to get in to see us right away. Our office strives to provide service in emergencies as soon as we possibly can.

What To Do In An Emergency

If you or your child are experiencing an orthodontic emergency, it is important to call us right away. If it is an emergency that requires a visit with our Nashua orthodontists, we will get you in as soon as we can. Please give us a call first instead of coming straight to our office. This allows us to adjust our schedule appropriately to make the time to meet your needs.

What Is Considered An Emergency?

It is easier to know when to contact us when you know what qualifies as an emergency. Orthodontic treatment requires consistent use of appliances in most cases. If something goes wrong with an appliance, it needs to be fixed right away in order to avoid disrupting treatment. Common orthodontic emergencies include:

  • Soreness:  Some initial soreness is to be expected. If pain is persistent and constant, the appliance may need to be adjusted. Over-the-counter pain relief is suitable to manage pain, but if it does not go away, contact us.
  • Losing Separators: This can happen from time to time, so do not stress. Call our office, and we will discuss whether or not it needs replacing.
  • Irritation From Wires: If it requires immediate attention, call our office as soon as possible to let us know. The wire may need to be clipped or bracket might need refitting
  • Loose Bands and Brackets: If your bands, brackets, or aligners are too loose, call us right away. They may need to be readjusted or refitted for proper treatment.

Watch the video below for helpful tips on handling orthodontic emergencies without an office visit!

Contact Us Right Away In An Orthodontic Emergency

If you are experiencing an orthodontic emergency, contact us right away by calling (603) 882-2101 or requesting an appointment online. We will discuss the next steps to handle your situation.